Simple Apple Cake . . .Happy .. .Birthday . . . to . . .

So now I bake!

If you know me, you know how adamant I was about not baking. Too much of an accurate science. I love cooking the way I want, can't follow a recipe if my life depended on it, and that is not great for baking.

But somehow a couple of months ago (well, I know how, I went to Costco and bought a ton of apples) I decided to make an apple cake that mom makes, and it worked. I was so excited, and in the meantime have made it several times, all great! and here's a neat thing: I actually experimented with it, and it still worked!

I made it last week for my students and they loved it, so I made it again in the same week. And now I can consider it my birthday cake (if there is any left by Saturday!)


4 Apples (recipe has them pealed, I didn't, healthier with!) cubed to small pieces  
I mentioned experimenting: in one time I put the apples in the food processor, I thought it was too moist, others liked it!
4 eggs
250 grams sugar
2 full tablespoons brown sugar
280 grams flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup oil
2 teaspoons cinnamon (I love cinnamon so I put double!)
A sprinkle of Salt
(1 orange)

1.       Mix the apples with the brown sugar
o   I understand that 4 apples is not an accurate measure – but it worked with various sized apples, it comes out a bit different, as you could see!

2.       Mix the eggs and sugar
o   I’m obsessed with egg smell so I added an orange zest
3.       Add the rest of the ingredients  
o   Did I mention experimenting? So I thought a whole cup of oil was a lot, so I substituted a quarter of that with the orange juice from the orange. It worked!
4.       Bake in a preheated oven (180 c- 350f) for about 45 minutes
5.       To check if it is baked, put a tooth pick through in the center, if it comes out dry, your cake is ready!

And it's been a great breakfast! with some homemade yogurt (! yum!
