Sfieha صفيحه (meat pies) - updated

When I was younger, I so often wondered why my mother bothered with elaborate dishes. Why do all that work for just some food that we will eat quickly and forget about it soon (and be grumpy and too tired to enjoy it at first). Now I think I know: it's about home, and family, and togetherness. It's about expressing love with food (I love you Jojo!). So for all that, and for nostalgia and homesickness, I decided that I wanted to make sfieha! 

I called my mother to ask for recipe and she thought I was crazy (which I am!). Now I might have mentioned before, my mother is the best cook ever! But when it comes to recipes, she's not the best (which I guess is natural, she has such good instincts about food that she doesn't need to follow a recipe!). So I got a recipe, which had a lot of estimates, and that is what you get here. I had troubles with the dough, but with persistence I made it work and it came out yummy!

You will see that this is a lot of work, but the good news is I made about 40 pies, that I shared with my nice new neighbors, with friends, and have a bunch in my freezer!

So here it goes!


For the dough:
1 kg flour
1/2 cup olive oil (a bit extra butter if you would like)
1/2 cup yogurt
2 table spoons yeast
2 table spoons sugar
1.5 table spoons salt
Water (it’s the tricky part!)

 For the topping:
1 kg minced beef
2 large onions
1 cup pine nuts 
Mixed Spices (http://leenaskitchens.blogspot.com/2013/08/my-mixed-spices.html)
1 large lemon
1 cup Tahini
½ yogurt 

Begin preparation with the dough:

Ø  Mix the flour and olive oil (and butter) together, and rub the oil well into the flour and you get a consistent smooth texture.
 Ø  Add all other dough ingredients except water and stir well.
Ø  Then add water, a bit at a time. The water has to be a bit warmer than 37 degrees c (yeast lives at body temperature, considering the water will cool off a bit in contact with the cold ingredients, you need to make it a bit warmer).
 o   Janan, my lovely sister, has suggested her brilliant idea: add the water to the yogurt to get the water in the right temperature and this way you have the correct portion! Thanks Janan!

Ø  knead the dough. This video offers a good example of how to do that:

Ø  When the dough is ready, cover it and put it in a warm spot to rise. 

Preparing the meat:
Ø  Lightly brown the pine nuts in 2 spoon of olive oil
o   the pine nuts cook fast and will continue cooking after you take them out, so keep stirring and take them out quickly
o   spread them on a tray and let cool off

Ø  Cut the onions very thin (you can also grate them, it is easier)

Ø  Sauté the onions until soft
Ø  Add the meat, spices and salt, and cook well, stirring them well to crumble the meat
Ø  Once the meat is ready, take off the heat

Ø  Prepare the tahini:
o   Add the lemon juice, the yogurt (you can add more than one lemon if you like your food more sour, especially if the yogurt isn’t) and a bit of salt and water to the tahini.
o   Mix well until it is smooth
Ø  Add the tahini and pine nuts to the meat.

Preparing the pies:

Ø  Once your dough has risen (more than double the original size), cut to small balls.

o   (ideally, and what my mother would approve of is small balls, the size of a small egg. However, I discovered soon that was taking forever, so I went a bit bigger! (still yummy, even though it doesn’t look as good!).
Ø  Let the balls rest for a while
Ø  Rub some olive oil on a cutting board and on your roller and start roll the dough with a roller
But you don’t need it as thin
o   If you don’t have a roller, a friend suggested using a glass bottle (you know you want to finish a bottle of wine!)

Ø  Update: this time, I used the roller and cookie cutter, so made larger pieces and cut to neat small even pies! 

Ø and  to give credit were credit is due, the cookie cutter idea was from my first friend  ever, and one of my best friends of all time, Keren! Keren, having you in my life has been amazing, I love you, my friend!

Lay the flat dough on an over sheet or tray

Ø  Add a few spoons of the meat mix on top, enough to cover the surface without spilling out.

Ø  Put in the oven and bake until golden 

  Continue until you do all the dough you have.

Ø   I used three trays that I continued preparing while the first rounds were cooking and alternating once each tray was baked (my oven is VERY small, which mean small trays and many rounds!)

Ø  Update- I have two cookie sheers and bought a couple of disposable ones. The disposable ones are ok, but not great, so if you could avoid, you should! 

è Et voilà, you have awesome sfieha for a long time or a nice party!



Enjoy and share with friends! (in fact, get a friend to work with you!)


And look how much better it looks now: 

My kitchen in the process! 
