My mixed spices

Left to right: clove, allspice, black pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom 

My amazing  mother (yes, I did say that she is the best cook in the world already, but she is also one of the most amazing people ever, in general!) makes her own mixed spices, and she grounds small amounts periodically to keep the spices most flavorful and aromatic. 


black pepper 


The way to do it is easy. You buy whole spices and use a coffee grinder to grind them! 
As in all my cooking, there is no accurate science here, but the estimate is: 

Allspice, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves and cardamom: ratio: 1:1:1 and about a 1/5 each, respectively.

Smell it, try to cook with it, and see what you like to add!
I use this in everything, and I mean everything, and I think it adds so much to food!

I love you mom!
